* SpriteSheet
* Visit http://createjs.com/ for documentation, updates and examples.
* Copyright (c) 2010 gskinner.com, inc.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
* obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
* files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
* restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
* copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
* conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* @module EaselJS
// namespace:
this.createjs = this.createjs||{};
(function() {
"use strict";
// constructor:
* Encapsulates the properties and methods associated with a sprite sheet. A sprite sheet is a series of images (usually
* animation frames) combined into a larger image (or images). For example, an animation consisting of eight 100x100
* images could be combined into a single 400x200 sprite sheet (4 frames across by 2 high).
* The data passed to the SpriteSheet constructor defines:
* <ol>
* <li> The source image or images to use.</li>
* <li> The positions of individual image frames.</li>
* <li> Sequences of frames that form named animations. Optional.</li>
* <li> The target playback framerate. Optional.</li>
* </ol>
* <h3>SpriteSheet Format</h3>
* SpriteSheets are an object with two required properties (`images` and `frames`), and two optional properties
* (`framerate` and `animations`). This makes them easy to define in javascript code, or in JSON.
* <h4>images</h4>
* An array of source images. Images can be either an HTMlimage
* instance, or a uri to an image. The former is recommended to control preloading.
* images: [image1, "path/to/image2.png"],
* <h4>frames</h4>
* Defines the individual frames. There are two supported formats for frame data:
* When all of the frames are the same size (in a grid), use an object with `width`, `height`, `regX`, `regY`,
* and `count` properties.
* <ul>
* <li>`width` & `height` are required and specify the dimensions of the frames</li>
* <li>`regX` & `regY` indicate the registration point or "origin" of the frames</li>
* <li>`spacing` indicate the spacing between frames</li>
* <li>`margin` specify the margin around the image(s)</li>
* <li>`count` allows you to specify the total number of frames in the spritesheet; if omitted, this will
* be calculated based on the dimensions of the source images and the frames. Frames will be assigned
* indexes based on their position in the source images (left to right, top to bottom).</li>
* </ul>
* frames: {width:64, height:64, count:20, regX: 32, regY:64, spacing:0, margin:0}
* If the frames are of different sizes, use an array of frame definitions. Each definition is itself an array
* with 4 required and 3 optional entries, in the order:
* <ul>
* <li>The first four, `x`, `y`, `width`, and `height` are required and define the frame rectangle.</li>
* <li>The fifth, `imageIndex`, specifies the index of the source image (defaults to 0)</li>
* <li>The last two, `regX` and `regY` specify the registration point of the frame</li>
* </ul>
* frames: [
* // x, y, width, height, imageIndex*, regX*, regY*
* [64, 0, 96, 64],
* [0, 0, 64, 64, 1, 32, 32]
* // etc.
* ]
* <h4>animations</h4>
* Optional. An object defining sequences of frames to play as named animations. Each property corresponds to an
* animation of the same name. Each animation must specify the frames to play, and may
* also include a relative playback `speed` (ex. 2 would playback at double speed, 0.5 at half), and
* the name of the `next` animation to sequence to after it completes.
* There are three formats supported for defining the frames in an animation, which can be mixed and matched as appropriate:
* <ol>
* <li>for a single frame animation, you can simply specify the frame index
* animations: {
* sit: 7
* }
* </li>
* <li>
* for an animation of consecutive frames, you can use an array with two required, and two optional entries
* in the order: `start`, `end`, `next`, and `speed`. This will play the frames from start to end inclusive.
* animations: {
* // start, end, next*, speed*
* run: [0, 8],
* jump: [9, 12, "run", 2]
* }
* </li>
* <li>
* for non-consecutive frames, you can use an object with a `frames` property defining an array of frame
* indexes to play in order. The object can also specify `next` and `speed` properties.
* animations: {
* walk: {
* frames: [1,2,3,3,2,1]
* },
* shoot: {
* frames: [1,4,5,6],
* next: "walk",
* speed: 0.5
* }
* }
* </li>
* </ol>
* <strong>Note:</strong> the `speed` property was added in EaselJS 0.7.0. Earlier versions had a `frequency`
* property instead, which was the inverse of `speed`. For example, a value of "4" would be 1/4 normal speed in
* earlier versions, but is 4x normal speed in EaselJS 0.7.0+.
* <h4>framerate</h4>
* Optional. Indicates the default framerate to play this spritesheet at in frames per second. See
* {{#crossLink "SpriteSheet/framerate:property"}}{{/crossLink}} for more information.
* framerate: 20
* Note that the Sprite framerate will only work if the stage update method is provided with the {{#crossLink "Ticker/tick:event"}}{{/crossLink}}
* event generated by the {{#crossLink "Ticker"}}{{/crossLink}}.
* createjs.Ticker.on("tick", handleTick);
* function handleTick(event) {
* stage.update(event);
* }
* <h3>Example</h3>
* To define a simple sprite sheet, with a single image "sprites.jpg" arranged in a regular 50x50 grid with three
* animations: "stand" showing the first frame, "run" looping frame 1-5 inclusive, and "jump" playing frame 6-8 and
* sequencing back to run.
* var data = {
* images: ["sprites.jpg"],
* frames: {width:50, height:50},
* animations: {
* stand:0,
* run:[1,5],
* jump:[6,8,"run"]
* }
* };
* var spriteSheet = new createjs.SpriteSheet(data);
* var animation = new createjs.Sprite(spriteSheet, "run");
* <h3>Generating SpriteSheet Images</h3>
* Spritesheets can be created manually by combining images in PhotoShop, and specifying the frame size or
* coordinates manually, however there are a number of tools that facilitate this.
* <ul>
* <li>Exporting SpriteSheets or HTML5 content from Flash Pro supports the EaselJS SpriteSheet format.</li>
* <li>The popular <a href="https://www.codeandweb.com/texturepacker/easeljs" target="_blank">Texture Packer</a> has
* EaselJS support.
* <li>SWF animations in Flash can be exported to SpriteSheets using <a href="http://createjs.com/zoe" target="_blank"></a></li>
* </ul>
* <h3>Cross Origin Issues</h3>
* <strong>Warning:</strong> Images loaded cross-origin will throw cross-origin security errors when interacted with
* using:
* <ul>
* <li>a mouse</li>
* <li>methods such as {{#crossLink "Container/getObjectUnderPoint"}}{{/crossLink}}</li>
* <li>Filters (see {{#crossLink "Filter"}}{{/crossLink}})</li>
* <li>caching (see {{#crossLink "DisplayObject/cache"}}{{/crossLink}})</li>
* </ul>
* You can get around this by setting `crossOrigin` property on your images before passing them to EaselJS, or
* setting the `crossOrigin` property on PreloadJS' LoadQueue or LoadItems.
* var image = new Image();
* img.crossOrigin="Anonymous";
* img.src = "http://server-with-CORS-support.com/path/to/image.jpg";
* If you pass string paths to SpriteSheets, they will not work cross-origin. The server that stores the image must
* support cross-origin requests, or this will not work. For more information, check out
* <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Access_control_CORS" target="_blank">CORS overview on MDN</a>.
* @class SpriteSheet
* @constructor
* @param {Object} data An object describing the SpriteSheet data.
* @extends EventDispatcher
function SpriteSheet(data) {
// public properties:
* Indicates whether all images are finished loading.
* @property complete
* @type Boolean
* @readonly
this.complete = true;
* Specifies the framerate to use by default for Sprite instances using the SpriteSheet. See the Sprite class
* {{#crossLink "Sprite/framerate:property"}}{{/crossLink}} for more information.
* @property framerate
* @type Number
this.framerate = 0;
// private properties:
* @property _animations
* @protected
* @type Array
this._animations = null;
* @property _frames
* @protected
* @type Array
this._frames = null;
* @property _images
* @protected
* @type Array
this._images = null;
* @property _data
* @protected
* @type Object
this._data = null;
* @property _loadCount
* @protected
* @type Number
this._loadCount = 0;
// only used for simple frame defs:
* @property _frameHeight
* @protected
* @type Number
this._frameHeight = 0;
* @property _frameWidth
* @protected
* @type Number
this._frameWidth = 0;
* @property _numFrames
* @protected
* @type Number
this._numFrames = 0;
* @property _regX
* @protected
* @type Number
this._regX = 0;
* @property _regY
* @protected
* @type Number
this._regY = 0;
* @property _spacing
* @protected
* @type Number
this._spacing = 0;
* @property _margin
* @protected
* @type Number
this._margin = 0;
// setup:
var p = createjs.extend(SpriteSheet, createjs.EventDispatcher);
// TODO: deprecated
// p.initialize = function() {}; // searchable for devs wondering where it is. REMOVED. See docs for details.
// events:
* Dispatched when all images are loaded. Note that this only fires if the images
* were not fully loaded when the sprite sheet was initialized. You should check the complete property
* to prior to adding a listener. Ex.
* var sheet = new createjs.SpriteSheet(data);
* if (!sheet.complete) {
* // not preloaded, listen for the complete event:
* sheet.addEventListener("complete", handler);
* }
* @event complete
* @param {Object} target The object that dispatched the event.
* @param {String} type The event type.
* @since 0.6.0
* Dispatched when getFrame is called with a valid frame index. This is primarily intended for use by {{#crossLink "SpriteSheetBuilder"}}{{/crossLink}}
* when doing on-demand rendering.
* @event getframe
* @param {Number} index The frame index.
* @param {Object} frame The frame object that getFrame will return.
* Dispatched when an image encounters an error. A SpriteSheet will dispatch an error event for each image that
* encounters an error, and will still dispatch a {{#crossLink "SpriteSheet/complete:event"}}{{/crossLink}}
* event once all images are finished processing, even if an error is encountered.
* @event error
* @param {String} src The source of the image that failed to load.
* @since 0.8.2
// getter / setters:
* Use the {{#crossLink "SpriteSheet/animations:property"}}{{/crossLink}} property instead.
* @method getAnimations
* @return {Array}
* @deprecated
p.getAnimations = function() {
return this._animations.slice();
* Returns an array of all available animation names available on this sprite sheet as strings.
* @property animations
* @type {Array}
* @readonly
try {
Object.defineProperties(p, {
animations: { get: p.getAnimations }
} catch (e) {}
// public methods:
* Returns the total number of frames in the specified animation, or in the whole sprite
* sheet if the animation param is omitted. Returns 0 if the spritesheet relies on calculated frame counts, and
* the images have not been fully loaded.
* @method getNumFrames
* @param {String} animation The name of the animation to get a frame count for.
* @return {Number} The number of frames in the animation, or in the entire sprite sheet if the animation param is omitted.
p.getNumFrames = function(animation) {
if (animation == null) {
return this._frames ? this._frames.length : this._numFrames || 0;
} else {
var data = this._data[animation];
if (data == null) { return 0; }
else { return data.frames.length; }
* Returns an object defining the specified animation. The returned object contains:<UL>
* <li>frames: an array of the frame ids in the animation</li>
* <li>speed: the playback speed for this animation</li>
* <li>name: the name of the animation</li>
* <li>next: the default animation to play next. If the animation loops, the name and next property will be the
* same.</li>
* </UL>
* @method getAnimation
* @param {String} name The name of the animation to get.
* @return {Object} a generic object with frames, speed, name, and next properties.
p.getAnimation = function(name) {
return this._data[name];
* Returns an object specifying the image and source rect of the specified frame. The returned object has:<UL>
* <li>an image property holding a reference to the image object in which the frame is found</li>
* <li>a rect property containing a Rectangle instance which defines the boundaries for the frame within that
* image.</li>
* <li> A regX and regY property corresponding to the regX/Y values for the frame.
* </UL>
* @method getFrame
* @param {Number} frameIndex The index of the frame.
* @return {Object} a generic object with image and rect properties. Returns null if the frame does not exist.
p.getFrame = function(frameIndex) {
var frame;
if (this._frames && (frame=this._frames[frameIndex])) { return frame; }
return null;
* Returns a {{#crossLink "Rectangle"}}{{/crossLink}} instance defining the bounds of the specified frame relative
* to the origin. For example, a 90 x 70 frame with a regX of 50 and a regY of 40 would return:
* [x=-50, y=-40, width=90, height=70]
* @method getFrameBounds
* @param {Number} frameIndex The index of the frame.
* @param {Rectangle} [rectangle] A Rectangle instance to copy the values into. By default a new instance is created.
* @return {Rectangle} A Rectangle instance. Returns null if the frame does not exist, or the image is not fully loaded.
p.getFrameBounds = function(frameIndex, rectangle) {
var frame = this.getFrame(frameIndex);
return frame ? (rectangle||new createjs.Rectangle()).setValues(-frame.regX, -frame.regY, frame.rect.width, frame.rect.height) : null;
* Returns a string representation of this object.
* @method toString
* @return {String} a string representation of the instance.
p.toString = function() {
return "[SpriteSheet]";
* SpriteSheet cannot be cloned. A SpriteSheet can be shared by multiple Sprite instances without cloning it.
* @method clone
p.clone = function() {
throw("SpriteSheet cannot be cloned.")
// private methods:
* @method _parseData
* @param {Object} data An object describing the SpriteSheet data.
* @protected
p._parseData = function(data) {
var i,l,o,a;
if (data == null) { return; }
this.framerate = data.framerate||0;
// parse images:
if (data.images && (l=data.images.length) > 0) {
a = this._images = [];
for (i=0; i<l; i++) {
var img = data.images[i];
if (typeof img == "string") {
var src = img;
img = document.createElement("img");
img.src = src;
if (!img.getContext && !img.naturalWidth) {
this.complete = false;
(function(o, src) { img.onload = function() { o._handleImageLoad(src); } })(this, src);
(function(o, src) { img.onerror = function() { o._handleImageError(src); } })(this, src);
// parse frames:
if (data.frames == null) { // nothing
} else if (Array.isArray(data.frames)) {
this._frames = [];
a = data.frames;
for (i=0,l=a.length;i<l;i++) {
var arr = a[i];
this._frames.push({image:this._images[arr[4]?arr[4]:0], rect:new createjs.Rectangle(arr[0],arr[1],arr[2],arr[3]), regX:arr[5]||0, regY:arr[6]||0 });
} else {
o = data.frames;
this._frameWidth = o.width;
this._frameHeight = o.height;
this._regX = o.regX||0;
this._regY = o.regY||0;
this._spacing = o.spacing||0;
this._margin = o.margin||0;
this._numFrames = o.count;
if (this._loadCount == 0) { this._calculateFrames(); }
// parse animations:
this._animations = [];
if ((o=data.animations) != null) {
this._data = {};
var name;
for (name in o) {
var anim = {name:name};
var obj = o[name];
if (typeof obj == "number") { // single frame
a = anim.frames = [obj];
} else if (Array.isArray(obj)) { // simple
if (obj.length == 1) { anim.frames = [obj[0]]; }
else {
anim.speed = obj[3];
anim.next = obj[2];
a = anim.frames = [];
for (i=obj[0];i<=obj[1];i++) {
} else { // complex
anim.speed = obj.speed;
anim.next = obj.next;
var frames = obj.frames;
a = anim.frames = (typeof frames == "number") ? [frames] : frames.slice(0);
if (anim.next === true || anim.next === undefined) { anim.next = name; } // loop
if (anim.next === false || (a.length < 2 && anim.next == name)) { anim.next = null; } // stop
if (!anim.speed) { anim.speed = 1; }
this._data[name] = anim;
* @method _handleImageLoad
* @protected
p._handleImageLoad = function(src) {
if (--this._loadCount == 0) {
this.complete = true;
* @method _handleImageError
* @protected
p._handleImageError = function (src) {
var errorEvent = new createjs.Event("error");
errorEvent.src = src;
// Complete is still dispatched.
if (--this._loadCount == 0) {
* @method _calculateFrames
* @protected
p._calculateFrames = function() {
if (this._frames || this._frameWidth == 0) { return; }
this._frames = [];
var maxFrames = this._numFrames || 100000; // if we go over this, something is wrong.
var frameCount = 0, frameWidth = this._frameWidth, frameHeight = this._frameHeight;
var spacing = this._spacing, margin = this._margin;
for (var i=0, imgs=this._images; i<imgs.length; i++) {
var img = imgs[i], imgW = img.width, imgH = img.height;
var y = margin;
while (y <= imgH-margin-frameHeight) {
var x = margin;
while (x <= imgW-margin-frameWidth) {
if (frameCount >= maxFrames) { break imgLoop; }
image: img,
rect: new createjs.Rectangle(x, y, frameWidth, frameHeight),
regX: this._regX,
regY: this._regY
x += frameWidth+spacing;
y += frameHeight+spacing;
this._numFrames = frameCount;
createjs.SpriteSheet = createjs.promote(SpriteSheet, "EventDispatcher");