API Documentation for: 0.8.2

DisplayObject Class

Extends EventDispatcher
Defined in: DisplayObject:129
Module: EaselJS

DisplayObject is an abstract class that should not be constructed directly. Instead construct subclasses such as Container, Bitmap, and Shape. DisplayObject is the base class for all display classes in the EaselJS library. It defines the core properties and methods that are shared between all display objects, such as transformation properties (x, y, scaleX, scaleY, etc), caching, and mouse handlers.




Defined in DisplayObject:129



() protected

Defined in _applyFilters:1286


  • ctx
  • shadow

Defined in _applyShadow:1238


  • ctx CanvasRenderingContext2D
  • shadow Shadow


  • o
DisplayObject protected

Defined in _cloneProps:1205


  • o DisplayObject

    The DisplayObject instance which will have properties from the current DisplayObject instance copied into.



  • eventObj
  • eventPhase



  • matrix
  • ignoreTransform
Rectangle protected

Defined in _getBounds:1317


  • matrix Matrix2D
  • ignoreTransform Boolean

    If true, does not apply this object's transform.



() Rectangle protected



() Boolean protected

Defined in _isMouseOpaque:1361

Indicates whether the display object has any mouse event listeners or a cursor.



  • ctx
Boolean protected

Defined in _testHit:1269


  • ctx CanvasRenderingContext2D



  • evtObj

Defined in _tick:1253


  • evtObj Object

    An event object that will be dispatched to all tick listeners. This object is reused between dispatchers to reduce construction & GC costs.


  • bounds
  • matrix
  • ignoreTransform
Rectangle protected




  • type
  • listener
  • [useCapture]
Function | Object

Adds the specified event listener. Note that adding multiple listeners to the same function will result in multiple callbacks getting fired.


 displayObject.addEventListener("click", handleClick);
 function handleClick(event) {
    // Click happened.


  • type String

    The string type of the event.

  • listener Function | Object

    An object with a handleEvent method, or a function that will be called when the event is dispatched.

  • [useCapture] Boolean optional

    For events that bubble, indicates whether to listen for the event in the capture or bubbling/target phase.


Function | Object:

Returns the listener for chaining or assignment.


  • x
  • y
  • width
  • height
  • [scale=1]

Defined in cache:749

Draws the display object into a new canvas, which is then used for subsequent draws. For complex content that does not change frequently (ex. a Container with many children that do not move, or a complex vector Shape), this can provide for much faster rendering because the content does not need to be re-rendered each tick. The cached display object can be moved, rotated, faded, etc freely, however if its content changes, you must manually update the cache by calling updateCache() or cache() again. You must specify the cache area via the x, y, w, and h parameters. This defines the rectangle that will be rendered and cached using this display object's coordinates.


For example if you defined a Shape that drew a circle at 0, 0 with a radius of 25:

 var shape = new createjs.Shape();
 shape.graphics.beginFill("#ff0000").drawCircle(0, 0, 25);
 myShape.cache(-25, -25, 50, 50);

Note that filters need to be defined before the cache is applied. Check out the Filter class for more information. Some filters (ex. BlurFilter) will not work as expected in conjunction with the scale param.

Usually, the resulting cacheCanvas will have the dimensions widthscale by heightscale, however some filters (ex. BlurFilter) will add padding to the canvas dimensions.


  • x Number

    The x coordinate origin for the cache region.

  • y Number

    The y coordinate origin for the cache region.

  • width Number

    The width of the cache region.

  • height Number

    The height of the cache region.

  • [scale=1] Number optional

    The scale at which the cache will be created. For example, if you cache a vector shape using myShape.cache(0,0,100,100,2) then the resulting cacheCanvas will be 200x200 px. This lets you scale and rotate cached elements with greater fidelity. Default is 1.


() DisplayObject

Defined in clone:1182

Returns a clone of this DisplayObject. Some properties that are specific to this instance's current context are reverted to their defaults (for example .parent). Caches are not maintained across clones, and some elements are copied by reference (masks, individual filter instances, hit area)



A clone of the current DisplayObject instance.


  • eventObj
  • [bubbles]
  • [cancelable]

Dispatches the specified event to all listeners.


 // Use a string event

 // Use an Event instance
 var event = new createjs.Event("progress");


  • eventObj Object | String | Event

    An object with a "type" property, or a string type. While a generic object will work, it is recommended to use a CreateJS Event instance. If a string is used, dispatchEvent will construct an Event instance if necessary with the specified type. This latter approach can be used to avoid event object instantiation for non-bubbling events that may not have any listeners.

  • [bubbles] Boolean optional

    Specifies the bubbles value when a string was passed to eventObj.

  • [cancelable] Boolean optional

    Specifies the cancelable value when a string was passed to eventObj.



Returns false if preventDefault() was called on a cancelable event, true otherwise.


  • ctx
  • [ignoreCache=false]

Defined in draw:698

Draws the display object into the specified context ignoring its visible, alpha, shadow, and transform. Returns true if the draw was handled (useful for overriding functionality).

NOTE: This method is mainly for internal use, though it may be useful for advanced uses.


  • ctx CanvasRenderingContext2D

    The canvas 2D context object to draw into.

  • [ignoreCache=false] Boolean optional

    Indicates whether the draw operation should ignore any current cache. For example, used for drawing the cache (to prevent it from simply drawing an existing cache back into itself).



() Rectangle

Defined in getBounds:1079

Returns a rectangle representing this object's bounds in its local coordinate system (ie. with no transformation). Objects that have been cached will return the bounds of the cache.

Not all display objects can calculate their own bounds (ex. Shape). For these objects, you can use setBounds so that they are included when calculating Container bounds.

All All display objects support setting bounds manually using setBounds(). Likewise, display objects that have been cached using cache() will return the bounds of their cache. Manual and cache bounds will override the automatic calculations listed below.
Bitmap Returns the width and height of the sourceRect (if specified) or image, extending from (x=0,y=0).
Sprite Returns the bounds of the current frame. May have non-zero x/y if a frame registration point was specified in the spritesheet data. See also getFrameBounds
Container Returns the aggregate (combined) bounds of all children that return a non-null value from getBounds().
Shape Does not currently support automatic bounds calculations. Use setBounds() to manually define bounds.
Text Returns approximate bounds. Horizontal values (x/width) are quite accurate, but vertical values (y/height) are not, especially when using textBaseline values other than "top".
BitmapText Returns approximate bounds. Values will be more accurate if spritesheet frame registration points are close to (x=0,y=0).

Bounds can be expensive to calculate for some objects (ex. text, or containers with many children), and are recalculated each time you call getBounds(). You can prevent recalculation on static objects by setting the bounds explicitly:

var bounds = obj.getBounds();
obj.setBounds(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);
// getBounds will now use the set values, instead of recalculating

To reduce memory impact, the returned Rectangle instance may be reused internally; clone the instance or copy its values if you need to retain it.

var myBounds = obj.getBounds().clone();
// OR:



A Rectangle instance representing the bounds, or null if bounds are not available for this object.


() String

Defined in getCacheDataURL:851

Returns a data URL for the cache, or null if this display object is not cached. Uses cacheID to ensure a new data URL is not generated if the cache has not changed.



The image data url for the cache.


  • [props]

Generates a DisplayProps object representing the combined display properties of the object and all of its parent Containers up to the highest level ancestor (usually the Stage).


  • [props] DisplayProps optional

    A DisplayProps object to populate with the calculated values. If null, a new DisplayProps object is returned.



The combined display properties.


  • [matrix]

Generates a Matrix2D object representing the combined transform of the display object and all of its parent Containers up to the highest level ancestor (usually the Stage). This can be used to transform positions between coordinate spaces, such as with localToGlobal and globalToLocal.


  • [matrix] Matrix2D optional

    A Matrix2D object to populate with the calculated values. If null, a new Matrix2D object is returned.



The combined matrix.


  • matrix

Defined in getMatrix:969

Returns a matrix based on this object's current transform.


  • matrix Matrix2D

    Optional. A Matrix2D object to populate with the calculated values. If null, a new Matrix object is returned.



A matrix representing this display object's transform.


() Stage deprecated

Defined in getStage:658

Use the stage property instead.



() Rectangle

Returns a rectangle representing this object's bounds in its parent's coordinate system (ie. with transformations applied). Objects that have been cached will return the transformed bounds of the cache.

Not all display objects can calculate their own bounds (ex. Shape). For these objects, you can use setBounds so that they are included when calculating Container bounds.

To reduce memory impact, the returned Rectangle instance may be reused internally; clone the instance or copy its values if you need to retain it.

Container instances calculate aggregate bounds for all children that return bounds via getBounds.



A Rectangle instance representing the bounds, or null if bounds are not available for this object.


  • x
  • y
  • [pt]

Defined in globalToLocal:888

Transforms the specified x and y position from the global (stage) coordinate space to the coordinate space of the display object. For example, this could be used to determine the current mouse position within the display object. Returns a Point instance with x and y properties correlating to the transformed position in the display object's coordinate space.


 displayObject.x = 300;
 displayObject.y = 200;
 var point = displayObject.globalToLocal(100, 100);
 // Results in x=-200, y=-100


  • x Number

    The x position on the stage to transform.

  • y Number

    The y position on the stage to transform.

  • [pt] Point | Object optional

    An object to copy the result into. If omitted a new Point object with x/y properties will be returned.



A Point instance with x and y properties correlating to the transformed position in the display object's coordinate space.


  • type

Indicates whether there is at least one listener for the specified event type.


  • type String

    The string type of the event.



Returns true if there is at least one listener for the specified event.


  • x
  • y

Defined in hitTest:1020

Tests whether the display object intersects the specified point in local coordinates (ie. draws a pixel with alpha > 0 at the specified position). This ignores the alpha, shadow, hitArea, mask, and compositeOperation of the display object.


    var myShape = new createjs.Shape();
    myShape.graphics.beginFill("red").drawRect(100, 100, 20, 50);

    console.log(myShape.hitTest(10,10); // false
    console.log(myShape.hitTest(110, 25); // true

Note that to use Stage coordinates (such as mouseX), they must first be converted to local coordinates:

 stage.addEventListener("stagemousedown", handleMouseDown);
 function handleMouseDown(event) {
     var p = myShape.globalToLocal(stage.mouseX, stage.mouseY);
     var hit = myShape.hitTest(p.x, p.y);

Shape-to-shape collision is not currently supported by EaselJS.


  • x Number

    The x position to check in the display object's local coordinates.

  • y Number

    The y position to check in the display object's local coordinates.



A Boolean indicating whether a visible portion of the DisplayObject intersect the specified local Point.


() deprecated protected

REMOVED. Removed in favor of using MySuperClass_constructor. See extend and promote for details.

There is an inheritance tutorial distributed with EaselJS in /tutorials/Inheritance.


() Boolean

Defined in isVisible:686

Returns true or false indicating whether the display object would be visible if drawn to a canvas. This does not account for whether it would be visible within the boundaries of the stage.

NOTE: This method is mainly for internal use, though it may be useful for advanced uses.



Boolean indicating whether the display object would be visible if drawn to a canvas


  • x
  • y
  • [pt]

Defined in localToGlobal:863

Transforms the specified x and y position from the coordinate space of the display object to the global (stage) coordinate space. For example, this could be used to position an HTML label over a specific point on a nested display object. Returns a Point instance with x and y properties correlating to the transformed coordinates on the stage.


 displayObject.x = 300;
 displayObject.y = 200;
 var point = displayObject.localToGlobal(100, 100);
 // Results in x=400, y=300


  • x Number

    The x position in the source display object to transform.

  • y Number

    The y position in the source display object to transform.

  • [pt] Point | Object optional

    An object to copy the result into. If omitted a new Point object with x/y properties will be returned.



A Point instance with x and y properties correlating to the transformed coordinates on the stage.


  • x
  • y
  • target
  • [pt]

Defined in localToLocal:913

Transforms the specified x and y position from the coordinate space of this display object to the coordinate space of the target display object. Returns a Point instance with x and y properties correlating to the transformed position in the target's coordinate space. Effectively the same as using the following code with localToGlobal and globalToLocal.

 var pt = this.localToGlobal(x, y);
 pt = target.globalToLocal(pt.x, pt.y);


  • x Number

    The x position in the source display object to transform.

  • y Number

    The y position on the source display object to transform.

  • target DisplayObject

    The target display object to which the coordinates will be transformed.

  • [pt] Point | Object optional

    An object to copy the result into. If omitted a new Point object with x/y properties will be returned.



Returns a Point instance with x and y properties correlating to the transformed position in the target's coordinate space.


  • type
  • listener
  • [useCapture]

Inherited from EventDispatcher: off:263

A shortcut to the removeEventListener method, with the same parameters and return value. This is a companion to the .on method.

IMPORTANT: To remove a listener added with on, you must pass in the returned wrapper function as the listener. See on for an example.


  • type String

    The string type of the event.

  • listener Function | Object

    The listener function or object.

  • [useCapture] Boolean optional

    For events that bubble, indicates whether to listen for the event in the capture or bubbling/target phase.


  • type
  • listener
  • [scope]
  • [once=false]
  • [data]
  • [useCapture=false]

Inherited from EventDispatcher: on:187

A shortcut method for using addEventListener that makes it easier to specify an execution scope, have a listener only run once, associate arbitrary data with the listener, and remove the listener.

This method works by creating an anonymous wrapper function and subscribing it with addEventListener. The wrapper function is returned for use with removeEventListener (or off).

IMPORTANT: To remove a listener added with on, you must pass in the returned wrapper function as the listener, or use remove. Likewise, each time you call on a NEW wrapper function is subscribed, so multiple calls to on with the same params will create multiple listeners.


    var listener = myBtn.on("click", handleClick, null, false, {count:3});
    function handleClick(evt, data) {
        data.count -= 1;
        console.log(this == myBtn); // true - scope defaults to the dispatcher
        if (data.count == 0) {
            alert("clicked 3 times!");
            myBtn.off("click", listener);
            // alternately: evt.remove();


  • type String

    The string type of the event.

  • listener Function | Object

    An object with a handleEvent method, or a function that will be called when the event is dispatched.

  • [scope] Object optional

    The scope to execute the listener in. Defaults to the dispatcher/currentTarget for function listeners, and to the listener itself for object listeners (ie. using handleEvent).

  • [once=false] Boolean optional

    If true, the listener will remove itself after the first time it is triggered.

  • [data] optional

    Arbitrary data that will be included as the second parameter when the listener is called.

  • [useCapture=false] Boolean optional

    For events that bubble, indicates whether to listen for the event in the capture or bubbling/target phase.



Returns the anonymous function that was created and assigned as the listener. This is needed to remove the listener later using .removeEventListener.


  • [type]

Removes all listeners for the specified type, or all listeners of all types.


 // Remove all listeners

 // Remove all click listeners


  • [type] String optional

    The string type of the event. If omitted, all listeners for all types will be removed.


  • type
  • listener
  • [useCapture]

Removes the specified event listener.

Important Note: that you must pass the exact function reference used when the event was added. If a proxy function, or function closure is used as the callback, the proxy/closure reference must be used - a new proxy or closure will not work.


 displayObject.removeEventListener("click", handleClick);


  • type String

    The string type of the event.

  • listener Function | Object

    The listener function or object.

  • [useCapture] Boolean optional

    For events that bubble, indicates whether to listen for the event in the capture or bubbling/target phase.


  • props
DisplayObject chainable

Defined in set:1061

Provides a chainable shortcut method for setting a number of properties on the instance.


 var myGraphics = new createjs.Graphics().beginFill("#ff0000").drawCircle(0, 0, 25);
 var shape = stage.addChild(new createjs.Shape()).set({graphics:myGraphics, x:100, y:100, alpha:0.5});


  • props Object

    A generic object containing properties to copy to the DisplayObject instance.



Returns the instance the method is called on (useful for chaining calls.)


  • x
  • y
  • width
  • height

Defined in setBounds:1164

Allows you to manually specify the bounds of an object that either cannot calculate their own bounds (ex. Shape & Text) for future reference, or so the object can be included in Container bounds. Manually set bounds will always override calculated bounds.

The bounds should be specified in the object's local (untransformed) coordinates. For example, a Shape instance with a 25px radius circle centered at 0,0 would have bounds of (-25, -25, 50, 50).


  • x Number

    The x origin of the bounds. Pass null to remove the manual bounds.

  • y Number

    The y origin of the bounds.

  • width Number

    The width of the bounds.

  • height Number

    The height of the bounds.


  • [x=0]
  • [y=0]
  • [scaleX=1]
  • [scaleY=1]
  • [rotation=0]
  • [skewX=0]
  • [skewY=0]
  • [regX=0]
  • [regY=0]
DisplayObject chainable

Defined in setTransform:935

Shortcut method to quickly set the transform properties on the display object. All parameters are optional. Omitted parameters will have the default value set.


 displayObject.setTransform(100, 100, 2, 2);


  • [x=0] Number optional

    The horizontal translation (x position) in pixels

  • [y=0] Number optional

    The vertical translation (y position) in pixels

  • [scaleX=1] Number optional

    The horizontal scale, as a percentage of 1

  • [scaleY=1] Number optional

    the vertical scale, as a percentage of 1

  • [rotation=0] Number optional

    The rotation, in degrees

  • [skewX=0] Number optional

    The horizontal skew factor

  • [skewY=0] Number optional

    The vertical skew factor

  • [regX=0] Number optional

    The horizontal registration point in pixels

  • [regY=0] Number optional

    The vertical registration point in pixels



Returns this instance. Useful for chaining commands.


() String

Inherited from EventDispatcher but overwritten in toString:1193

Returns a string representation of this object.



a string representation of the instance.



Defined in uncache:841

Clears the current cache. See cache for more information.


  • compositeOperation

Defined in updateCache:792

Redraws the display object to its cache. Calling updateCache without an active cache will throw an error. If compositeOperation is null the current cache will be cleared prior to drawing. Otherwise the display object will be drawn over the existing cache using the specified compositeOperation.


Clear the current graphics of a cached shape, draw some new instructions, and then update the cache. The new line will be drawn on top of the old one.

 // Not shown: Creating the shape, and caching it.
 shapeInstance.setStrokeStyle(3).beginStroke("#ff0000").moveTo(100, 100).lineTo(200,200);



  • ctx

Defined in updateContext:717

Applies this display object's transformation, alpha, globalCompositeOperation, clipping path (mask), and shadow to the specified context. This is typically called prior to draw.


  • ctx CanvasRenderingContext2D

    The canvas 2D to update.


  • type

Indicates whether there is at least one listener for the specified event type on this object or any of its ancestors (parent, parent's parent, etc). A return value of true indicates that if a bubbling event of the specified type is dispatched from this object, it will trigger at least one listener.

This is similar to hasEventListener, but it searches the entire event flow for a listener, not just this object.


  • type String

    The string type of the event.



Returns true if there is at least one listener for the specified event.



Rectangle protected

Defined in _bounds:468

Default: null


String protected

Defined in _cacheDataURL:444

Default: null


Number protected

Defined in _cacheDataURLID:436

Default: 0


Number protected

Defined in _cacheOffsetX:396

Default: 0


Number protected

Defined in _cacheOffsetY:404

Default: 0


Number protected

Defined in _cacheScale:428

Default: 1


Object protected


Number protected

Defined in _filterOffsetX:412

Default: 0


Number protected

Defined in _filterOffsetY:420

Default: 0


HTMLCanvasElement | Object protected static

Defined in _hitTestCanvas:510


CanvasRenderingContext2D protected static

Defined in _hitTestContext:516


Object protected

Inherited from EventDispatcher: _listeners:99


Array protected static

Defined in _MOUSE_EVENTS:482

Listing of mouse event names. Used in _hasMouseEventListener.


Number protected static

Defined in _nextCacheID:529


DisplayObject protected

Defined in _props:452

Default: null


Rectangle protected

Defined in _rectangle:460

Default: null


Boolean protected static

Default: false



Defined in alpha:144

The alpha (transparency) for this display object. 0 is fully transparent, 1 is fully opaque.

Default: 1


HTMLCanvasElement | Object readonly

Defined in cacheCanvas:152

If a cache is active, this returns the canvas that holds the cached version of this display object. See Cache for more information.

Default: null



Defined in cacheID:162

Returns an ID number that uniquely identifies the current cache for this display object. This can be used to determine if the cache has changed since a previous check.

Default: 0



The composite operation indicates how the pixels of this display object will be composited with the elements behind it. If null, this property is inherited from the parent container. For more information, read the whatwg spec on compositing.

Default: null



Defined in cursor:384

A CSS cursor (ex. "pointer", "help", "text", etc) that will be displayed when the user hovers over this display object. You must enable mouseover events using the enableMouseOver method to use this property. Setting a non-null cursor on a Container will override the cursor set on its descendants.

Default: null



Defined in filters:348

An array of Filter objects to apply to this display object. Filters are only applied / updated when Cache or UpdateCache is called on the display object, and only apply to the area that is cached.

Default: null



Defined in hitArea:367

A display object that will be tested when checking mouse interactions or testing getObjectsUnderPoint. The hit area will have its transformation applied relative to this display object's coordinate space (as though the hit test object were a child of this display object and relative to its regX/Y). The hitArea will be tested using only its own alpha value regardless of the alpha value on the target display object, or the target's ancestors (parents).

If set on a Container, children of the Container will not receive mouse events. This is similar to setting MouseChildren to false.

Note that hitArea is NOT currently used by the hitTest() method, nor is it supported for Stage.

Default: null



Defined in id:171

Unique ID for this display object. Makes display objects easier for some uses.

Default: -1



Defined in mask:358

A Shape instance that defines a vector mask (clipping path) for this display object. The shape's transformation will be applied relative to the display object's parent coordinates (as if it were a child of the parent).

Default: null



Defined in mouseEnabled:179

Indicates whether to include this object when running mouse interactions. Setting this to false for children of a Container will cause events on the Container to not fire when that child is clicked. Setting this property to false does not prevent the getObjectsUnderPoint method from returning the child.

Note: In EaselJS 0.7.0, the mouseEnabled property will not work properly with nested Containers. Please check out the latest NEXT version in GitHub for an updated version with this issue resolved. The fix will be provided in the next release of EaselJS.

Default: true



Defined in name:204

An optional name for this display object. Included in toString . Useful for debugging.

Default: null


Container final readonly

Defined in parent:213

A reference to the Container or Stage object that contains this display object, or null if it has not been added to one.

Default: null



Defined in regX:225

The left offset for this display object's registration point. For example, to make a 100x100px Bitmap rotate around its center, you would set regX and regY to 50.

Default: 0



Defined in regY:234

The y offset for this display object's registration point. For example, to make a 100x100px Bitmap rotate around its center, you would set regX and regY to 50.

Default: 0



Defined in rotation:243

The rotation in degrees for this display object.

Default: 0



Defined in scaleX:251

The factor to stretch this display object horizontally. For example, setting scaleX to 2 will stretch the display object to twice its nominal width. To horizontally flip an object, set the scale to a negative number.

Default: 1



Defined in scaleY:260

The factor to stretch this display object vertically. For example, setting scaleY to 0.5 will stretch the display object to half its nominal height. To vertically flip an object, set the scale to a negative number.

Default: 1



Defined in shadow:285

A shadow object that defines the shadow to render on this display object. Set to null to remove a shadow. If null, this property is inherited from the parent container.

Default: null



Defined in skewX:269

The factor to skew this display object horizontally.

Default: 0



Defined in skewY:277

The factor to skew this display object vertically.

Default: 0



Defined in snapToPixel:338

Indicates whether the display object should be drawn to a whole pixel when Stage/snapToPixelEnabled is true. To enable/disable snapping on whole categories of display objects, set this value on the prototype (Ex. Text.prototype.snapToPixel = true).

Default: true


Stage readonly

Defined in stage:672

Returns the Stage instance that this display object will be rendered on, or null if it has not been added to one.


Boolean static

Suppresses errors generated when using features like hitTest, mouse events, and GetObjectsUnderPoint with cross domain content.

Default: false



Defined in tickEnabled:194

If false, the tick will not run on this display object (or its children). This can provide some performance benefits. In addition to preventing the "tick" event from being dispatched, it will also prevent tick related updates on some display objects (ex. Sprite & MovieClip frame advancing, DOMElement visibility handling).

Default: true



Defined in transformMatrix:318

If set, defines the transformation for this display object, overriding all other transformation properties (x, y, rotation, scale, skew).

Default: null



Defined in visible:294

Indicates whether this display object should be rendered to the canvas and included when running the Stage Stage/getObjectsUnderPoint method.

Default: true



Defined in x:303

The x (horizontal) position of the display object, relative to its parent.

Default: 0



Defined in y:311

Default: 0



Defined in added:632

Dispatched when the display object is added to a parent container.


Defined in click:546

Available since 0.6.0

Dispatched when the user presses their left mouse button and then releases it while over the display object. See the MouseEvent class for a listing of event properties.


Defined in dblclick:553

Available since 0.6.0

Dispatched when the user double clicks their left mouse button over this display object. See the MouseEvent class for a listing of event properties.


Defined in mousedown:539

Available since 0.6.0

Dispatched when the user presses their left mouse button over the display object. See the MouseEvent class for a listing of event properties.


Defined in mouseout:568

Available since 0.6.0

Dispatched when the user's mouse leaves this display object. This event must be enabled using enableMouseOver. See also rollout. See the MouseEvent class for a listing of event properties.


Defined in mouseover:560

Available since 0.6.0

Dispatched when the user's mouse enters this display object. This event must be enabled using enableMouseOver. See also rollover. See the MouseEvent class for a listing of event properties.


Defined in pressmove:616

Available since 0.7.0

After a mousedown occurs on a display object, a pressmove event will be generated on that object whenever the mouse moves until the mouse press is released. This can be useful for dragging and similar operations.


Defined in pressup:624

Available since 0.7.0

After a mousedown occurs on a display object, a pressup event will be generated on that object when that mouse press is released. This can be useful for dragging and similar operations.


Defined in removed:637

Dispatched when the display object is removed from its parent container.


Defined in rollout:596

Available since 0.7.0

This event is similar to mouseout, with the following differences: it does not bubble, and it considers Container instances as an aggregate of their content.

For example, myContainer contains two overlapping children: shapeA and shapeB. The user moves their mouse over shapeA, then directly on to shapeB, then off both. With a listener for Mouseout:event on myContainer, two events would be received, each targeting a child element:

  1. when the mouse leaves shapeA (target=shapeA)
  2. when the mouse leaves shapeB (target=shapeB)
However, with a listener for "rollout" instead, only a single event is received when the mouse leaves the aggregate myContainer content (target=myContainer).

This event must be enabled using enableMouseOver. See the MouseEvent class for a listing of event properties.


Defined in rollover:576

Available since 0.7.0

This event is similar to mouseover, with the following differences: it does not bubble, and it considers Container instances as an aggregate of their content.

For example, myContainer contains two overlapping children: shapeA and shapeB. The user moves their mouse over shapeA and then directly on to shapeB. With a listener for Mouseover:event on myContainer, two events would be received, each targeting a child element:

  1. when the mouse enters shapeA (target=shapeA)
  2. when the mouse enters shapeB (target=shapeB)
However, with a listener for "rollover" instead, only a single event is received when the mouse first enters the aggregate myContainer content (target=myContainer).

This event must be enabled using enableMouseOver. See the MouseEvent class for a listing of event properties.


Defined in tick:642

Available since 0.6.0

Dispatched on each display object on a stage whenever the stage updates. This occurs immediately before the rendering (draw) pass. When update is called, first all display objects on the stage dispatch the tick event, then all of the display objects are drawn to stage. Children will have their Tick:event event dispatched in order of their depth prior to the event being dispatched on their parent.

Event Payload:

  • target Object

    The object that dispatched the event.

  • type String

    The event type.

  • params Array

    An array containing any arguments that were passed to the Stage.update() method. For example if you called stage.update("hello"), then the params would be ["hello"].