EaselJS Mouse Interaction
Synopsis: Learn about mouse events on display objects and the stage.
Topics: MouseEvent, addEventListener, on, click, dblclick, mouseover, mouseout,
mousemove, mousedown, enableMouseOver, drag and drop, mouseMoveOutside
Target: EaselJS v0.8.1
This tutorial is part of the EaselJS GitHub
Check out the repository for more tutorials and a handful of helpful samples.
The Basics
At its core, the EaselJS mouse interaction model is very simple to use - just assign a listener to a
mouse events via the addEventListener
method on a display object:
There are a number of events you can listen for on display objects: click
, dblclick
, pressmove
, mouseover
/ mouseout
, and rollover
The latter four events have some overhead associated with them, so you need to enable them with
. The frequency
parameter indicates how many
times per second EaselJS should calculate what is currently under the pointer. A higher number is more
responsive, but also more computationally expensive. It defaults to 20 times per second.
Note that there is no mouseup
event. Instead use click
(when the mouse is
pressed and released on the same target, or pressup
if you need to know when the mouse
is pressed on a target, but released anywhere.
The on
method provides a shortcut to addEventListener
, and adds additional
functionality. See the API docs for more details.
When a mouse handler is triggered, it is called with a single parameter holding a MouseEvent instance.
You can use this object to see what type
of event it was, what the target
get access to the nativeEvent
object it was based on, and to check the pointer's
and stageY
When a mouse event is triggered on a target, the event flows through three phases: the capture phase, the target phase, and the bubbling phase.
In the first phase (capture), the event is dispatched starting with the stage, and progressing through the ancestors of the target to its immediate parent. Only listeners that were added using the useCapture parameter are triggered in this phase.
In the second phase (target), the event is dispatched on the target object (ex. the element that was clicked).
In the final phase (bubbling), the event is dispatched from the immediate parent of the target through the ancestors (in the reverse order of the capture phase) to the stage.
The example below has a "button", which is a Container
instance containing two children: a
background shape, and a text label. All three display objects and the stage have listeners for the
"click" event both with and without the useCapture param.
mouseChildren & mouseEnabled
You can prevent the children of a Container
from dispatching mouse events setting
to false
This causes the container to be treated as an aggregate element for mouse interactions. For example, in
the bubbling example above setting button.mouseChildren = false;
would make it so that clicking children of the button (background & label) dispatches the click event
with the button as the target instead of the child that was clicked.
Similarly, you can completely disable mouse events on any display object without removing its handlers
by setting mouseEnabled
to false
Normally, EaselJS will calculate mouse hits on a display object based on its visible, non-transparent pixels. This usually works pretty well, but there may be cases where you want to define a hit target that is different than what is displayed on screen.
To do this, you can assign any other display object to be the hitArea
for your object.
It does not need to be on the display list, and will not be visible, but it will be used for the hit test instead.
Hit area display objects are used within the coordinate system (ie. concatenated transformation) of
their owner, and as such you can reuse the same display object as the hitArea
of multiple objects.
Notice how in this demo, as you roll over the red text, it only registers a hit when the pointer is
over a non-transparent pixel, whereas the blue text uses the rectangular hitArea
to calculate the hit.
Stage mouse events
For the stage, just like every other display object, you will only get events when the mouse is over a non-transparent pixel.
Stage has a few special mouse events that come in handy for responding to general mouse interactions
anywhere within your canvas. stagemousedown
, stagemouseup
, and
are called any time a relevant mouse interaction happens anywhere on the
The following demo demonstrates using these events to let you finger paint on the canvas:
By default, you will stop getting stagemousemove
events whenever the pointer is outside of the canvas.
If you'd like to keep getting stagemousemove
events when the pointer leaves the canvas,
just set mouseMoveOutside
to true
. The stageX
properties of MouseEvent
will always return a value normalized to
within your stage bounds, but you can use rawX
and rawY
to get values that
haven't been normalized (this can cause errors if you aren't careful).
You can monitor whether the pointer is over the canvas by using stage.mouseInBounds
and the
/ mouseenter
Drag and drop
EaselJS makes drag and drop functionality very easy to implement. After the mouse is pressed over a
display object, that object will generate pressmove
events until the mouse is released, at
which point a pressup
event will be dispatched.
Check out the source for the demo below for a simple example of this in action. It's also a great place
to test out the mouseMoveOutside
Other useful APIs
Other methods that are relevant to advanced mouse interactions are:
returns the top most display object under the specified point. -
returns all display objects under the specified point. -
returns true if the specified point in the display object is non-transparent.